The Sandwich Weekend

What a fun weekend this was! I did my last seminary prospective student day in between visiting some very wonderful friends.
Friday morning I was almost on the road at 7 a.m. but for the little matter of my car being solidly ensconced in ice! After trying kitty litter and cardboard boxes to try and give my wheels some traction, I finally succumbed to the helpless-female-in-distress posture and had a neighbor dig me out! Sweet kind man!
Had a fairly easy drive on my way down to the DC area and stopped off to visit one of my favorite people on the planet--Miss Bent Fabric. Lucky for me, Her Highness was receiving visitors that day and I had the pleasure of joining her for lunch and a bit of telly before resuming my journey. Thanks for a fun visit cutie!
I then zoomed down to Alexandria and 5 miles from my destination got caught in the worst traffic I've ever seen! I thought I'd seen it all in NYC, but I was wrong wrong wrong! Needless to say, I was late but I still made it in time for dinner. The rest of the weekend was spent learning about Virginia Theological Seminary, the 2nd oldest Episcopal seminary in the States. I think I'll wait for a separate post to reflect on the visit. There's so much information to absorb when you visit a school that it takes some time to sort yourself out. I'll just say that I really enjoyed my time there, can confirm that the school has much to offer, and that I met some truly wonderful people!
On Sunday, a group of us went and worshipped at the National Cathedral in DC. I hadn't been there since a grade 8 history trip when I was a wee lass in a kilt. It really is a beautiful place and I really enjoyed the service.
Now for the top layer of my friend-seminary-friend sandwich: a blogging buddy met me at the Cathedral and joined me for the service. I've mentioned Janet before--she's the angel that helped me with my autobiography for the school applications. Funny because the essay I wrote for one of the schools was an essay on the relationships that can happen due to blogging, and Janet was a perfect example. This was our first meeting but I felt like I'd known her for years. She drove me around and gave me a mini tour of DC, and let me just say that this lady really knows her stuff! I so enjoyed seeing the city and hope to go back when the cherry trees are in bloom.
But the treat did not end there. After my tour, we drove down to Shirlington to a little bakery there to meet up with another blogging buddy--Mr. Gunfighter himself! Again, there was this remarkable ease and a feeling of being reunited with an old friend. And I must let you all in on a secret--Mr. Gunman is adorable!!! Now this does not detract from from his tough-guy-gun-carrying persona in any way, but it is the most delightful combination of opposites imaginable! I had such a great time getting to know these two wonderful people! I think I smiled all the way back to NYC--and 4 1/2 hours is a pretty long time to be smiling!
Monday, as some might imagine, was a day of wondering what hit me. I had a premonition that I might be feeling like road kill, and so had tentatively planned on staying in my jammies, in bed, with my book and pastries at the ready. And that's pretty much how I spent yesterday, except I was too tired to read and so watched movies and episodes of House and Grey's Anatomy I hadn't seen, courtesy of Ms. BF~smooches!