Thursday, December 07, 2006

Letter to a Friend

Got an email from a dear friend this morning, venting about his frustration with regard to the potential splits going on in The Episcopal Church right now over homosexuality. I hadn't meant to give him such a lengthy response (sorry dear friend!), but as I wrote him back, I realized that the things I was saying I wanted to say outloud in a larger context, so here's my slightly edited version...just because I needed to say it.

My friend, I am sooo with you! You are quite right about Jesus and the Bible not emphasizing the issue the way the church is doing right now. In fact, when you put the "clobber passages" together (that's what many of us call them) into context socially, historically, as well scripturally, one finds that they don't even address the subject as we know it today. (If you'd be interested in reading a bit more, I highly recommend Walter Wink's "Homosexuality and the Bible.")

I find the whole political climate frustrating because it is clear as day to me (and I do emphasize the "to me" part) that the backlash is one of cultural bias and fear with some very evil influences from those who see this as a power play. What we are seeing now is in many ways no different than the cultural and moral battles over racial and gender equality, and I think we'd both agree that neither of those issues is completely resolved either. But I think the thing we might need to focus on is that there has been progress, and I believe that there will continue to be.

I believe this not only because as a person of faith I feel called to invest myself in kingdom values (far superior to the "family values" being touted right now!) and because I know that this issue is not going away any more than the others did. I have to believe that the hate rhetoric will be revealed for what it is and that people will come to see that what they thought they knew is indeed erroneous. I am also acutely aware that there will be casualities. I'm willing to be one of them.

Hope I'm not sounding glib, because I assure you that I am not. I live with this heartbreak on a daily basis and have for a long time now. But as this is the kind of thing that can seriously bring me down I have to find a response that can bring hope and give life. This battle will not be won by who has the biggest megaphone but by who loves the most. Hate is not a family value and eventually I believe that the slurs, rhetoric, and misunderstandings will come into the Light.

Thank you for your outrage. It is profoundly encouraging to hear that others see how wrong the situation in the church is right now especially when they don't have to. But then on the other hand, even if homosexuality is not your issue, the lack of unity and love in our church is indeed every person's issue or, in my opinion, should be.


At 1:39 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger Deb said...

Beautifully written. You're right though- the lack of unity and love in the church has something to be desired. We're not merciful enough- just as Jesus was. WWJD??? None of these radical Christians are living as Christ once did- as forgiving and loving people. Hypocrites.

At 1:50 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger Gunfighter said...

Kingdom values! I love that... mind if I plaig... plagi... use that?

At 2:08 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger Zanne said...

Deb, nothin' radical about hating. The radical Christians are those who love! Am pretty sure Jesus would agree! :D

GF, plagiarise away, although I don't think the phrase is necessarily original. Oh, and ps:

At 2:27 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger Trop said...

Another great book on the "clobber passages" is The Children Are Free, by Jeff Miner, John Tyler Connoley, and David Squire. Also there is this piece, When Religion Loses Its Credibility, I discovered at Suburban Lesbian.

At 4:28 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger Trinity2 said...

Hmm, I have to agree with you. I also wrote a post on Religion - check it out if you have a chance.

At 7:15 PM, December 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not as eloquent as you Zanne AND...I agree with you that this is a process;one that not so many years ago, some of you may have been touting the other side until you "woke up", which occurred when you were ready. As they say "when the student is ready the teacher will appear". Have faith and believe that each person can make a difference-as you are. I love reading you blog although I am TOTALLY envious of your writing ability. You should have a newspaper column! Seriously!

At 7:29 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger Zanne said...

Trop, thank you so much for the other resources! I checked out the article "When Religion Loses Its Credibility" and it echoes much of the Walter Wink thinking--balanced and wonderful! Did you see that Oliver Thomas has a book coming out called, "10 Things Your Minister Wants to Tell You (But Can't Because He Needs the Job)"? Looks like a must read for me!

Trinity, I did check out your post and feel your pain. I'm really glad you stopped by today and hope that even though the plan right now for me is to become one of "them" (those who don a collar), that you will feel comfortable and welcomed here! Blessings to you!

Anon, welcome! You are very kind and I appreciate the compliment! I loved your quote: "when the student is ready the teacher will appear." My hope is that we will all keep the faith and learn from each other! Thanks for taking time out and commenting.

At 9:08 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger SassyFemme said...

Absorbing, and learning.

At 11:16 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger Syd said...

Zanne, you give me hope.

At 8:54 AM, December 06, 2006, Blogger Zanne said...

Sassy, :D

Syd, merely the messenger, hugs!

At 8:14 AM, December 07, 2006, Blogger Janet Kincaid said...

As a disaffected Mormon lesbian and a graduate of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, issues like the current anger (it can't even be called a debate) in the U.S. Episcopal communion saddens me. I've not crossed the threshold of a church--Mormon, Episcopal or otherwise--in some time, though. Can you tell me, please, what are the "clobber scriptures"? I love this phrase, as I can well imagine what passages you're going to refer me to. (I'm a sociologist of religion and, since leaving my own faith, haven't really touched scripture since, so I'm a bit remiss these days where the canons are concerned.)

As for any denomination and homosexuality: if your faith professes Jesus as your Lord, Savior, Leader, and Exemplar then your call is to love as He loved and to make a place at the table for everyone. Period.

Thank you for this thought provoking piece. I pray for my brothers and sisters in this struggle.

At 4:23 PM, December 07, 2006, Blogger Zanne said...

Janet, emailed you the passages. Thanks for stopping by and for offering your thoughts--they are most welcome!

At 12:12 PM, January 05, 2007, Blogger Unbalanced said...

Zanne, you have a wonderful way of expressing your beautifully accepting heart. I know I'm awfully late in commenting, I've been making the rounds and catching up. I couldn't pass up letting you know how this post touched me. Thank you for being a leader, for stepping out for us and with us. {{{Z}}}

At 7:22 AM, January 07, 2007, Blogger Zanne said...

Hey UnB! Glad you're back! Thanks for commenting and for you are most welcome! :D


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