Monday, March 05, 2007

Life as a waiting room

Next time someone asks me, “What do you do?” I would like to answer, “I wait.”

I’m beginning to think that most of life is lived in the “waiting room.” Here’s an example of what I’m talking about.

I’m waiting:

· to see where I’ll go to school;

· what the result of the cat scan is;

· if my family member’s surgery will be successful;

· how my friends and family weather the storms of life, etc.

So there I am, merrily skipping along, ignoring the obvious so that I can feel like I’m in control. Everyone does it. In fact, I’m not so sure that it isn’t one of life’s unacknowledged yet universal goals.

And then something happens, or doesn’t happen the way I want it to and I am faced once again with my limitations, vulnerability, and dependence on the goodness of others and the grace of my God. In the good moments, I squirm and wiggle, in the bad I can be found screaming and throwing a tantrum. God doesn’t seem to mind either one. Eventually, I’ll calm down, or wear myself out, and in that moment I find that it’s ok to be powerless because I’m being held and loved and protected by the One who has all the power.

“All shall be well. All shall be well. All manner of thing shall be well.”
--Julian of Norwich


At 2:09 PM, March 05, 2007, Blogger Trop said...

Here's hoping your wait won't be long, and the answers will be those you seek.

At 5:07 PM, March 05, 2007, Blogger Syd said...

I second Trop's sentiments. In the mean time, find comfort in knowing that you have a KILLER rack.

(she really does, people...have you seen the party pictures?)

At 8:01 PM, March 05, 2007, Blogger SassyFemme said...

OMG, here I was, about to write something all kind and supportive, and there's Syd's comment. That just blew my thoughts all out the window!

okay, composing myself

Seriously, this way in which you approach life's challenges is just one of the MANY things that make you such an amazing person. May all of the things you're waiting on turn out the best possible way they can.

At 9:20 AM, March 06, 2007, Blogger Zanne said...

Trop, thanks my friend!

Syd, uh thanks...uh for putting things in perspective (I think)! oh, and also for making me almost spew out the water in my mouth. (NOTE TO SELF: do not be in the act of drinking when reading anything by Syd!) ;)

Sassy, I know!!! :D
And hey thanks for the good wishes and kind words (as always!!!) Hugs!

At 3:23 PM, March 06, 2007, Blogger Deb said...

Isn't there a study somewhere that points out how humans wait 75% of their lives? It's amazing. We waitin the doctor's office, we wait on line at the store, we wait for test results we wait for everything possibly imaginable!

Sometimes when we don't get what we waited for, we then know that it wasn't in God's will for us. Some people like to debate that fact and say we 'failed', but never think that way - or at least try not to.

At 5:08 PM, March 06, 2007, Blogger Trop said...

American Demographics once figured out that the seven year life-expectancy women have over men is spent through the course of a lifetime standing in line to pee.

At 5:23 PM, March 06, 2007, Blogger Gunfighter said...

All will be well, indeed.


At 5:43 PM, March 06, 2007, Blogger KMae said...

So true.
It teaches patience, no?
Or not!!

At 10:59 AM, March 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Zanne,
I've not been reading for a bit....going thru some struggles of my own (not in my relationship... just depression I guess)and so I wanted to just "pop in" and let you know you will be in my prayers and that your waiting will have a good outcome.
That quote at the end of your entry really speaks to me today....thanks.
Take good care, Lori

At 11:28 AM, March 08, 2007, Blogger Zanne said...

Hey Deb, wow 75% is really something..wonder if sleeping is included in that percentage? Dreaming is a kind of waiting, but I digress! Thanks for the good words!

Trop, LOL!

Gunman, yes my friend, amen. Hugs!

KMae, hmmm patience, yeah I'm real good at that--NOT! :D

Lori, thanks for delurking and especially for the prayers. Glad the quote spoke to you and pray that your particular struggles will come to an end soon! Blessings to you!

At 6:16 AM, March 10, 2007, Blogger Little Blue Petal said...

The English have the practice of waiting down to a fine art. We call it queueing lol! As great a part of this culture as tea-drinking ;-)

Hope all will resolve itself well, with what you are having to wait for.


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